“In today’s world, with every sneeze, cough or tickle in the throat, many people wonder: Do I have COVID-19? For the millions of allergy sufers around the country, this question becomes a little more complex ā allergies or COVID-19, or perhaps something else? Following are ways to tell if you are sufering from allergies or if you should call you physician and get tested for COVID-19. ALLERGIES Allergy symptoms range from mild to severe and can occur seasonally or be present year-long. In patients with asthma, allergies can cause a cough, wheeze and shortness of breath. Allergies are caused by your immune system overreacting to normal things in your environment ā such as pollen, dust, mold, pet dander ā and are not contagious. Medications can typically treat your symptoms and a llergy immunotherapy ā allergy shots ā can often help patients ind long-term relief.
COMMON ALLERGY SYMPTOMS Sneezing Runny or stufy nose Itchy or watery eyes Itchy nose or ears Post-nasal drip (which can sometimes cause a mild sore throat)
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